Copyright 2007-2022

= eyah

I just realized that this immediate shitshow or, frontlining this immediate shitshow is not ours, it’s yours.

I am an old fuck at 63. When I was 10 I wore the ecology flag and got kicked out of Sunday school well, kicked out enough to understand that church was bullshit. I quit and lived the hedonist life I still claim.

In my 20’s I actively raged against reagan, having been fully politicized during my first actual American history course and affronted tyranny as a regular man, on and on.

….And now we are here and I am insane with this Nazi trump shit.

What the fuck are you doing to snuff this?

The old white men et al must cease. Obvs. Get off your phone get off your ass you haven’t shown our energy yet.

Quit whining quit blaming get off your ass.

You (ok we) have already lost women’s rights en mass and your ass is showing and it don’t look good.

We’ve been on this shit for decades and the hippies and hipsters decades before that and WTF the suffragists et al a century before that.

Arise. goddamit you’re about to lose bigger than ever.

Sit tight and gripe about things longstanding aka before you and you will live a whole new shtshow and get raped over and over along with most everyone else alive.

I love you all that live. Get humble and act. Crush the fukers.


the old white man will die

i am an o.s. worker, successful, grateful and not ignorant.
we have worked for it but others have not yet had that luxury.
pissoff ignoramuses we-others are not at all misled.



even an old man such as I has lived near my whole life with this in place; 'twas a step off the throats.

so back on it fully again we are; thanks to your denial of our very being animal.

religion is an enslaving anchor that will mindlessly drown the lot at the bot tom of the warmed & risen sea you also deny, even as it is up to your apples.

we were made by the universe and will only die and go back to the murk
and that couldn't be more perfect

fyi most of us are not racing to the grave but wish to live at least clothed, fed, housed, med; as free as possible then die in our own time.

i am sorry that I have been of such little help in evading this (current)end and

f you to all who have made it


sick of you grohl bono billionares
and even greater we lack dylan and paul et al
we need your asses. no thanks for our financing of "you"
some heeled by others and some of them dead, john was god. from where i sit
you are those remaining who could but don't
congratulations. drumpf loves it

thankful for womyn
finally their opp and ultimately they'll right

tho it'll take a while
to step on monz throats

and I'll applaud from my grave
